Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Hello again everyone, things have been pretty exciting around here as you can see it is Halloween and David couldn't be any more cute. We all went trick or treating tuesday and he (like his dad) was not afraid to go up to any door. I personally think that he was the cutiest Sheriff in the world. The day of Halloween he decided to go fishing in the living room. Other then that things have been good here David and I were in Topeka for a couple of weeks and had a blast while Ben was on a trip for work. It was good to see him again and get back home. We hope that everyone is doing well and we will talk to ya soon.

God Bless


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That boy makes me laugh everytime I see him. He is sooooo cute in his Halloween costume. The fishing pole in the living room is a hoot. Doesn't he just make you want to hug him?