Thursday, November 23, 2006

Big City Mountaineers

Greetings Friends and Family,
Well I have a new adventure at hand! In April I will be climbing Long’s Peak in Colorado to support a Non-Profit organization called Big City Mountaineers. This organization partners with other inner city organizations and takes at-risk youth out on 8 day backpacking trips. The minimum amount raised from this climb will send 5 youth out on backpacking trips all over the United States. As most of you know the outdoors is and always has been a big part of my life, and a huge factor in developing who I am today. When I heard about BCM I knew I needed to get involved as a volunteer. This gives me an opportunity to pass along the same type of experiences that I have had that have had such life changing affects on me. I am asking for your support on this climb to afford the opportunity to many at-risk youth in our country. This is your chance as well, to help to give the at-risk youth in our country a chance at experiencing the inconceivable gifts of the wilderness while they are stuck in such a beauty deprived environment. Please browse the web site and watch the video that is available, take some time to learn more about all the wonderful things that this organization does. Read the stories of how this program is already affecting so many lives of teens that are in unique situations. If you are interested in donating to this climb, here are the instructions of how to do so:
-Go to
-Click on donate
-Click on Fulton, Ben
-Follow instructions from that point on.

Thank you for your interest in supporting a cause that will enable youth to experience life as they never would have imagined.

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