Sunday, July 22, 2007

What will come next?

Today was a great day this morning we lazed around the house and then the girls and I went to boarders to catch up on our gossip. And tonight we went to the Sem. to get Ben's schedule and have dinner after chapel. Then we thought that we would have a nice relaxing night at home until our pride and joy decided to try on my mascara. The crazy thing is that he did a pretty good job getting it on his eye lashes unfortunately my new tube of mascara was gone. I know that the Grandmothers and the Aunts are going to get a kick out of this however I think that he learned his lesson because it took 20min. to get half of it off and I hope that the rest will come off tomorrow. But I do have to say that his blue eyes looked amazing. I will ask again What will happen next?


Heidijayhawk said...

ok i totally laughed out loud!! david in drag man. you should have posted the tutu picture as with it!! glad you guys are having so much fun!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I rarely leave a comment J but you know how you ask me if parker is going to take dance. Well, uhmmm I return the question to you.

Anonymous said...

That's a two year old for you. He is still very cute - even with mascara. I must admit I too laughed out loud when I saw it. And he did do a good job applying it.
Ben - Good Luck with Greek!