Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Howdy Gang,
Well we never thought it would happen but I am graduating from Bethany College! That's right May 21st at 3:00pm I will RUN across the stage and grab that piece of paper that has eluded me for the last 11 years! We will also be moving to Nebraska where I will be the Coordinator of Congregational Relations for Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries. Who'd of thought that I would ever be in Camping Ministry! This truly is my passion and we are excited for a new start in a wonderful environment. I have been interning at the same place for the last year, and the people I will be working with are the best in the world. They have taken me under their wings and taught me more than I ever would have thought possible. I will have to of course change the name of this blog since we will no longer be Lindsborgians, so I will have to come up with something new! I hope all is well with you all and I hope to hear from everyone soon. A prayer request, My Dad left on Monday and will be deploying with the United States Air Force to Iraq. He is serving his country and doing an incredible ministry to the troops over there. he truly exemplifies what it means to be a credit. Pray for peace, and all who strive for it.


Heidijayhawk said...

Finally Benjamin! I love reading your blog! You reall yhave become a great writer. I'm sooooo proud of you!

Anonymous said...

I should have asked this before but I didn't and I might be stuipd for asking, but you know me. What does it mean to "be a credit"? Just wondering. I will have to come visit you guys to see the camp. Remember, you are always welcomd in Cheyenne! Blessings!
